1000 Storms by Tony Sandoval

1000 Storms by Tony Sandoval1000 Storms by Tony Sandoval
Published by Magnetic Press on July 20, 2021
Genres: Graphic Novel
Pages: 144
Format: ARC, eBook
Source: Edelweiss
Purchase on: Amazon// Barnes & Noble// BookBub
Add to: Goodreads // StoryGraph

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Lisa is a lonely girl who enjoys wandering nature and collecting odd bonesand pebbles. The other kids think she’s kinda weird, maybe a witch, andavoid her. When one day she discovers a tree that allows passage to a parallelworld, she finds herself in the middle of a demonic invasion plot, faced withsaving the very children who ridiculed her.
In this magical tale (set inthe same world as WATERSNAKES), Tony Sandoval takes readers back to his world ofmysterious adolescence and surreal beauty. Like WATERSNAKES, and DOOMBOY beforeit, the reader is faced with recognizable feelings of solitude and longing mixedwith danger and adventure through a visual wonderland.



I previously read Watersnakes by Tony Sandoval, and loved the artwork. When I was invited to read 1000 Storms, I was excited! I couldn’t wait to see the new adventures and gorgeous illustrations.

The artwork is gorgeous, which is expected. Beautiful and ethereal with a bordering menacing darkness. Its ephemeral nature complements the narrative beautifully as we follow Lisa in her in-between age and her in-between life. She tries to remain young and cling to childhood memories but cannot escape growing up. The narrative follows her struggles with loneliness and growing up and the artwork fills in the descriptive gaps, keeping it a short and enjoyable read without feeling shortchanged.

Would I recommend Watersnakes by Tony Sandoval? Absolutely, though keep in mind, I don’t know if I would particularly recommend it to children or tweens.

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