Midnight’s Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadow

Midnight’s Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy MeadowMidnight's Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadow by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger
Series: Midnight's Edge #1
on 10/31/2015
Genres: Paranormal, Witches
Pages: 213
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Purchase on: Amazon// Barnes & Noble// BookBub
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I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The title, Midnight’s Edge, comes from the time of night where the veil between the living and the dead disappears and, for a brief moment in time, the dead can return to the mortal world and live again. It is a story of a vile, evil man named Jeremy Wickcliff, whose wife, Lucy, arranged his death years ago to save the town from his wrath of destruction. In present time, he has been plotting from the spirit realm, a place of purgatory, to return to the mortal realm to seek revenge on those who wronged him and reclaim the life ripped away from him.



Secrets of Sleepy Meadows by David Chappuis and Michael Klinger is an interesting book but wouldn’t have held my attention as much as it did were it not for the inclusion of a gay romance. Outside of that, it felt like a decent paranormal book but just didn’t hold me like other witchy books have. Pacing was okay, character development could have been better. I also felt the use of Shelly’s ghost could have been better. That’s right, we’re seeing the events of the book from a ghost’s point of view. I know it’s just the first book of a series, and therefore most of what the authors are doing is setting up future books and trying to put enough questions to make readers vested in future novels, but it just didn’t work for me. A lot of the questions that were raised I had already predicted and answered. The questions I did want answered seemed to be the character development questions. In all, it’s an okay book to read if you have time and want to read something witchy, but if you’re not interested in the genre or are really vested in character/world development, then maybe you might have to look elsewhere.

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